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Nurse Clinic


Welcome Cubs,

I am Nurse Delgadillo, I am so excited to be the nurse here at Carleston Elementary and get to know each of the students and their families. If you have any questions or concerns for me, please reach out! I want each student to be comfortable and feel welcomed when they visit my clinic. Let’s make this year a very healthy and successful one!


Stay Healthy!

 When should I keep my child at home?

  •  Students should stay home when they have a fever of 100 degrees or   higher. They should remain home until they are fever free for 24 hours   without any fever reducing medication.
  •  Students should stay home if they are vomiting or have diarrhea.   Students must be free of symptoms for 24 hours before returning to school. 
  • Students should stay home if they have a contagious rash. 
  • Students should stay home if they have untreated pink eye.
  • Students should stay home if they have any communicable diseases.

When your child does return to school, please remember to send an excuse note to your child’s teacher.

Head Lice

Nothing causes more alarm than a case of head lice.  A child with head lice is excluded from school until treated with an appropriate medicated shampoo.  Upon returning to school, they must come to the clinic for a head check.  It is important to develop a routine at home to check your child for lice. Remind your child not to share hats or grooming items with any other student.


Students attending public school are required to meet the Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements.  You will be notified if your child needs any immunizations throughout the school year or over the summer.  Please make this a top priority if your child needs an immunization and return proof of immunizations to school.

Emergency Cards

Please notify the school of any changes in information on your child’s emergency card.  Often when a child becomes ill at school a parent can not be reached.  Make sure your emergency contact numbers stay accurate.

When possible, all medication should be given at home. However, some medication will be dispensed at school according to the district guidelines:

Pearland ISD Clinic / Nurse Information